Sunday, February 27, 2011

When do we say "enough"?

Read an article today on the FoxNews website that says British doctors have been advised to tell women seeking an abortion that it's "safer than continuing a pregnancy to term" and that most women who go on to have an abortion DO NOT suffer any psychological harm.

Will we ever get tired of this? Will we ever say that this is too much? Will we ever tire of glorifying sin and calling it freedom?

My children will become adults in this world. I will grow old and die, but they will live in the tatters of society that WE chose to leave them... God may not be ashamed, but we certainly should be. And it isn't enough to throw our hands in the air and say "But what can we do?!" - because, for too long, we have known exactly what to do. But it costs us; physically and mentally.

And we have decided that our personal comfort is more important than this work. We have decided that it is better to cherish our own lives than those most innocent and precious. We have fed our "self image," we have become gluttons on the inward focus of mankind. And what have we gotten in return? A bankrupt world where the obvious is ignored and things like honor, integrity, and Truth have been sacrificed to the gods of Tolerance and Understanding.

My hands are not without blood, but I grow ever more tired of not washing them clean.
When will it be "enough"? How much will we sit through before we are driven to stand?

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