Monday, January 31, 2011

One more thing

My grandmother is in the final stages of life right at the moment that I'm writing this. Now, I know it could be argued that we are ALL at the final stages of life and just don't know it, but talk like that often pales in comparison to the real thing staring you in the face - as it is with my "Nanny" and my mother. She has terminal cancer pretty much all over her body and my family has entered that uncomfortable "waiting" stage where every phone call could potentially be "the" phone call that brings terrible and wonderful news.

So, if you read this - and have a moment - please pray for my family. Nanny is going to be alright, but the hole left behind will be something else.

Mom - remember... I know what happens next. And it's wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. Mason, I am and will be praying for you, your Nanny and family. I know you know she will be in a better place, but I also know just how hard it is to let go and I know all too well about the "hole" that is left behind!! My grandmother was "Nanny" and I miss her dearly along with my daddy, momma and brother who also left "holes" in my heart! Love ya'll!
