Friday, January 21, 2011

First time for Everything

I've never actually posted anything about myself like this on the internet before, but I couldn't help it. Too many people kept asking for it and I suppose I buckled under the pressure. So - here it is, my YouTube sensation video.

I don't like to watch myself and certainly don't like listening to myself, so I haven't seen this video all the way through. I really just watched to see if the beginning and end were where I wanted them to be. They were.

Some setting: East Louisville ordained me on January 16th of this year. This song was sung as part of that service. I was and still am enormously blessed by the people of ELBC and appreciate their willingness to immediately love and cherish my family. It's a difficult thing to love - but they do it very, very well. I recall that the chairman of Deacons, as he was presenting me with my Ordination certificate, said the words "We are honored to ordain Mason."
How to you reply to something like that? After all that  my family had to walk through to get to this place in our lives - to hear him say that, to hear the "amen" and agreement from the church...  It was a blessing. It was a reminder of God's ability to use even the most difficult of times to bring about a wonderful moment.
I am immensely blessed to serve with such willing and faithful people.

Anyhow - here it is. Maybe I'll get as much recognition as that homeless radio guy, Ted Williams.
Maybe not.

PS - Click that link if you're just crazy about watching the video. I didn't embed it in the post because... I just couldn't do it!! Embarrassing.


  1. As I remember, Mason, he also said that "God had already ORDAINED you.....they were just confirming it!!" Love ya'll!
