Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

Things have been going a mile a minute around here and now I turn around and see that Summer is officially OVER for the Joy house. Say what?! How can that be? It's almost September...!

I suppose the good thing about that is that the weather might cool off eventually :-)

This is the morning sermon for August 7, 2011. I enjoyed this message because it challenged me personally. God is really busy at East Louisville and this Sunday was no different. Lots of hearts being touched...

This was the evening sermon. I don't know that it came out as well as it should have because I wasn't getting the words from Mind to Mouth. I was starting to feel a little exhausted by this time too - so that might explain it as well.

Really happy to have been a part of a fantastic retirement party recently for my High School Choir Director. Becky and some other High School folks worked very hard to put together a great party for a great man. The surprise was worth all the late nights trying to get things prepared. Wanna see it? Look:

Neat, huh? There's other stuff loaded on my Vimeo site as well (Choral music and speeches), so if you're interested in that - feel free to head over to
http://www.vimeo.com/speakingjoy/videos to check them out!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Stuff to watch

I had to interrupt Tanner and Momma's internet schedule to get these 5 videos uploaded, so I hope all of you enjoy. I am no longer the heaviest internet user in the house, and that's an extremely scary thought. However, when I upload - I consume all the internet... so I have to hear... complaints. Lucky for me, they were light : )

How about some videos? That's why you came, right?

Morning sermon for July 24, 2011. We looked at the promise of the Holy Spirit and what He gives us.

Evening sermon for July 24, 2011. Continue to look at respectable sins - this time the sin of Self-Control. I have no idea why the preview screen for this one is black, but I checked and it still loaded for me. If you have trouble, then I'll have to upload it again.

A great day for ELBC!! Baptism on the morning of July 31, 2011 for Chelsea, Kyle, and Lizzie Holdiness. A very special time for all involved.

Morning sermon for July 31, 2011. Looked at the importance of staying faithful and keeping faith in the King of Kings.

Evening sermon for July 31, 2011. Looked at the sin of anger and what it means to a Christian. I had longed to get to this part - so I hope the message was effective and direct to the point.

So, there you go. Great things happening at ELBC - so whoever you are, if you're in the area, stop by and worship with us. Still not charging admission!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A year later

Though it is VERY hard for me to believe, it was one year ago today that God put me before a little church in Louisville, MS and asked me to shepherd them - all while asking them to trust a young man with little ministry experience. The road that my family and I took to get to that fateful day was filled with twists and turns, some exciting and some that seemed, at the time, defeating. And yet - there was God, all the time, leading and directing, encouraging and protecting.

I look back at the days that led up to August 1, 2010 and smile now. Isn't that how faith always works? In the midst of it, you struggle and waver - you wonder if God really is doing and saying the things you see and hear Him saying and doing. In the storm, you strain to see the mighty hand of He who guides you... and yet, in hindsight it is almost overwhelming to realize how present He was in all things. It's humbling. It's miraculous.

Today is the one year anniversary of one of the most powerful, most profound, and most encouraging days of my entire life. It's the day that my church and I said "Yes" to the plans of God. It's the day that I was affirmed in the eyes of a church family that I hardly knew and the day that they were joined with me in walking the beautiful path that the Almighty had laid before us. And as I look back over those 365 days, I can't help but, again, stand in awe of the leadership of God.

Thank you East Louisville! I look forward to the coming years with great anticipation. Just imagine all the wonderful things that God has in store for us!! Here's to 40 more anniversaries, just like this one.

"Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
Jeremiah 33:3