Monday, March 21, 2011

Back from the Brink

I live! I made it back from Marietta, GA just a little worse for wear. Those week long classes are a close kin to torture, but only because of how much they try to cram into those few short days. I'm always amazed how a chair can start out feeling so comfortable, but after 7 hours feel like it's lined with spikes. I suppose we're not supposed to sit in one spot for that long...

How about some sermons? Now - I confess to you that I noticed Tanner moving the camera back and forth a little (he's trying to "do good for Mimi"), so if it's a little too all-over-the-place, just leave a comment and I'll tell him to tone it down.

It was interesting to feel driven to another place in the Bible that I wasn't originally thinking to go, but the morning sermon didn't belong to me one bit. I've never prepared a sermon and then felt God tell me that I needed to say something else... but that's what happened. And then, when I stood before the church, I found myself questioning what I was about to do. But, I know all too well what happens when you deny the boss... so I "girded my loins" and just said what I was supposed to. Hope it's worth the listen.

This evening sermon wasn't so much a sermon as it was just some thoughts that occurred to me as I was attending class. Of course - who can take some "thoughts" and end up talking for 26 minutes? Me.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you survived the class! I literally took a "BREAK" during this last! Really couldn't afford to, but I just really needed one! Looking forward to listening to your sermons on a day I don't have seminary classes (today)! Blessings!
