Monday, January 31, 2011

One more thing

My grandmother is in the final stages of life right at the moment that I'm writing this. Now, I know it could be argued that we are ALL at the final stages of life and just don't know it, but talk like that often pales in comparison to the real thing staring you in the face - as it is with my "Nanny" and my mother. She has terminal cancer pretty much all over her body and my family has entered that uncomfortable "waiting" stage where every phone call could potentially be "the" phone call that brings terrible and wonderful news.

So, if you read this - and have a moment - please pray for my family. Nanny is going to be alright, but the hole left behind will be something else.

Mom - remember... I know what happens next. And it's wonderful.

Moms are never satisfied...

This is the Sunday evening service from January 23rd. I noticed that I hadn't put it up here and caught a little flak from someone who will remain nameless... wink,wink.
Anyway, the book I mention is a really good look at the ways Jesus interacted with people and how that should inform how we interact with people also. This sermon/study was on the 2nd principle: Love like Jesus loves. To me, it's really the hardest one of them all. See what you think.

More talking!

This is yesterday's sermon during the 11:00 hour. Our evening service was a joint worship and fellowship time at FBC where Trent from South Louisville spoke and Becky and I got to sing together. They had cameras all over the place and I'm fairly sure that one will be on local TV at some point - and I have THANKFUL that I don't get whatever channel that is. I don't like listening to myself - SURE don't want to look at myself.

I really want the chance to revisit this passage of scripture again. I think there was much more to be expressed, but when I felt like I had finished my first point, I looked down and saw that I had 10 minutes left. TEN minutes. Time flies when I'm up there...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

We never want to know their names

There's one topic that seminary has failed to prepare me for (well, maybe more than that... I guess I'll find out as time goes on). Benevolence.
People call the church on a fairly steady basis with needs - some for groceries, some for bills they can't pay - but always with a need. I have no idea how to handle them. 

I confess that I may be the most gullible, soft-hearted person that I know. I recall a time when my father and I were getting doughnuts at Shipley's in Memphis, TN one night as a man who looked down on his luck walked in.  I was drawn to the man and felt sorry for him without knowing anything about him, without knowing if he even had a need. Now, at the time I made $5 a week in allowance and usually spent that on what a normal 9-10 year old boy does - junk. But at this particular time I had the $5 still with me. Dad noticed that I was looking. I may have even asked about why he looked so dirty, so poor. I remember Dad asking me: "Do you want to give him your allowance?" Of course!! I still had that $5. I could give it to him and help him. So, I said "yes," I did want to do it. Dad encouraged me... "Go over there and give it to him then." 

I didn't. I was suddenly captivated by fear that I would be doing something wrong. That he really wasn't poor and maybe I'd be offending him. That he would be a mean person. I was scared of the man that, just moments before, I wanted to help. 

I left that doughnut place with a lesson taught to me that I have yet to fully learn. The lesson of benevolence. This lesson is a harsh mistress - she teaches in difficulty and in emotional stress. She teaches us that getting taken advantage of is SO very wrong that we must run each and every need that gets expressed to us through a sieve of examination and distrust so tight that we often wouldn't be willing to help even if the person in need was to offer collateral and a down payment on the monetary gift. 
She teaches that if a person is in need, they're really just trying to work the system and too lazy to help themselves. She teaches us that if we help each and every person in need - we'll be the ones in need and will be a sorry excuse for a human. We'll be shamed and marked as a gullible dummy who let themselves get taken advantage of too many times. 
She teaches us that we can't help everybody - because that's just not being a good steward of what we've been given.

Of course, she normally teaches these things to us while we're sitting in a nice warm place - with a nice full pantry - with a nice outfit on - while typing on a nice computer - while posting on a nice blog.

This one issue keeps troubling me. Keeps haunting me, really. This idea that we've allowed to become ingrained in us that we "can't help everyone." It's not that the idea is so wrong - it's that we allow that idea to prevent us from being willing to help ANYBODY. We question, probe, test, and analyze each need to the point that we convince ourselves that there is no real need, just greedy people wanting to take MY money. That's stuff I WORKED for - you shouldn't expect me to give it away... right?

Jesus said that we'd always have the poor with us. He was/is/always will be right. No matter how prosperous a situation becomes, we always have those who do not have. For me the question can no longer be "should I help," but instead must become "HOW can I help." 
Growing churches, increasing membership, Sunday school numbers - will any of that matter when Jesus asks me about the people that I ignored in their time of need? 

I can't even write this without thinking "Yeah - but you'll get taken advantage of!! That's bad!!" Shame on me... 

And I hear Jesus telling me... "This one thing you lack, sell all you have and give it to the poor." OH how I wish He hadn't said that. I wish I could explain it in some fancy way - but He's not real ambiguous here. Jesus is clear. How that looks in a practical situation - maybe we can debate that until the cows come home... but the point is this:

If I, given the exact same situation, was the one asking for help - how would I want to be treated and/or helped? Because, isn't that the essence of "Love your neighbor as yourself." Would I want the test more, or the help? 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The second time for the first time

How about we try this all over again - this time in three sections! Someone might want to preach shorter... but that someone doesn't seem to be me!!

I cut the entire thing into three sections so I could fall under the 15 minute limit. Still didn't watch it - so don't hold it against me if it's a terrible video. Hopefully, it'll be worth your time. For all the trouble it took to get it here - I sure hope it's worth something!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A first time for... well, you get the point.

So, I recorded this morning's sermon. I have no idea - haven't watched it. BUT, Momma said to do it, and I'm nothing if not a boy who listens to Momma (most of the time) - so here it is.

Recorded the evening service too - but not sure I'll upload that one. It's on the Relationship Principles of Jesus. We looked at John 13:34 and Jesus' command to love as He has loved us. Had some visitors in the service too...  those of you reading this need to let me know if you want 2 a week or just one.

Got to head into school for another semester. This marks the beginning of the 4th and what should be the final year for this M.Div. We've got Greek, more Greek, Old Testament, and Preaching. Spring Break brings a week long class on Missions. Becky sure has her work cut out for her - keeping me with my head above water. :-)

PS - If that embed thing doesn't work above, you have my utmost regret.  I'm trying to figure it out, but it's slow going for me. If it doesn't work above I'll have to post a link again. We'll see...

EDIT: So, you don't put a 40 minute sermon in one video file and one time. I wish I had realized that before I waited for almost 3 hours for that thing to upload!! I'm trying to split the video into 15 minute pieces, which YouTube says is ok... but we're outside my comfort zone here, so it might take me a little while.

Friday, January 21, 2011

First time for Everything

I've never actually posted anything about myself like this on the internet before, but I couldn't help it. Too many people kept asking for it and I suppose I buckled under the pressure. So - here it is, my YouTube sensation video.

I don't like to watch myself and certainly don't like listening to myself, so I haven't seen this video all the way through. I really just watched to see if the beginning and end were where I wanted them to be. They were.

Some setting: East Louisville ordained me on January 16th of this year. This song was sung as part of that service. I was and still am enormously blessed by the people of ELBC and appreciate their willingness to immediately love and cherish my family. It's a difficult thing to love - but they do it very, very well. I recall that the chairman of Deacons, as he was presenting me with my Ordination certificate, said the words "We are honored to ordain Mason."
How to you reply to something like that? After all that  my family had to walk through to get to this place in our lives - to hear him say that, to hear the "amen" and agreement from the church...  It was a blessing. It was a reminder of God's ability to use even the most difficult of times to bring about a wonderful moment.
I am immensely blessed to serve with such willing and faithful people.

Anyhow - here it is. Maybe I'll get as much recognition as that homeless radio guy, Ted Williams.
Maybe not.

PS - Click that link if you're just crazy about watching the video. I didn't embed it in the post because... I just couldn't do it!! Embarrassing.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The ADL is gonna get you to change your mind!

The new Governor of Alabama made some stink the other day when he commented, during a Martin Luther King, Jr. day speech, that people who were not Christian were not his “brothers and sisters.”

Like you might expect – various groups became offended at this statement and the Anti-Defamation League immediately denounced the comment and called for the new Governor to apologize.  

Yesterday – he did. Sorry he disenfranchised anyone, sorry he offended anyone. Political speak…

So my question is this. Well, two questions actually.

1.     Does he have to apologize to the Christians who he has now offended with his apology?
  1. Do those same Christians, who held this new Governor up as a powerful representation of what they believe this country needs, feel like his apology has damaged further the opinion of Christianity?

What do you think?

Maybe it’s just me – but for once I’d love for someone to take a stand on something, ANYTHING, and not be swayed just because someone else sticks their lip out.