Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!!

I hope that all of you had a wonderful time in worship yesterday! I was blessed to be with my church family and more blessed by their attitude of worship and the WONDERFUL breakfast that was prepared for us all. Our schedule was a lot different than normal; starting at 7am and being home by 10:45. It was nice! Different is good for a little while, normally... but we'll be back to normal in no time. :)

How about a sermon? This was during our Sunrise Service, from 7-7:30. I got really excited and had to slow myself down... correctly use the word resurrection, not rapture... and bust myself for saying "things" - but I really enjoyed being with folks this early in the morning.

Next up, the Adult Easter Cantata. My apologies for singing too loud! I didn't realize I was sticking out that much until I listened to this recording... the phrase "like a sore thumb" comes to mind. But - that one thing aside, Melanie certainly does a super job with us and really makes us sound good! I though this went great and really closed our Easter Worship in a wonderful way.

So, there you have it. I hope you spent the day with a church family, or reflecting on the beauty and wonderment of an empty tomb. Jesus did all of that for each and every one of us. How awesome!


  1. seriously...why did you post this?

  2. don't like to watch myself sing

  3. Then you should watch someone else sing... there's like 10 other people to look at :-)
