Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A glitch in the matrix

So, for those of you actually keeping up - I haven't made a post to this thing in a month or more. I know, I know... where's the love, right?

No real excuse, other than the same ole' story of Seminary kicking my rear-end. I took a seminar class during Spring Break and that always gets me. Cramming that much stuff into such a short time knocks everything else out of whack. Plus, it's just goofy to take an additional class on the week that you're supposed to be taking a break. Clearly I'm lots of things, but smart ain't one - I suppose.

So, without further ado - I present A VIDEO. Please keep your public displays of excitement down so that those near you aren't startled or offended.

Cute, huh?

AAAaAaaaaaannd, just for you - I've decided that it's "watch one video - get two more free" day, so have some sermons:

Hey Mom - you're welcome.



  1. You look handsome!

  2. I love hearing those babies sing and play bells...
